Reviews crediting publisher: David Fickling Books
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Tosh’s Island

Toby and the Pixies: Worst King Ever

Good Dog, Bad Dog: The Golden Bone

Star Cat

The Funniest Book Ever

Bunny vs Monkey and the Human Invasion!

No Country

Mega Robo Bros: Power Up

The Phoenix Colossal Comics Collection Volume Two

Bunny vs Monkey

Gorebrah! The Mightiest Chef in the Universe!

Corpse Talk: Ground-Breaking Rebels

Evil Emperor Penguin Strikes Back!

Corpse Talk: Queens and Kings and Other Royal Rotters

Mega Robo Bros 3: Mega Robo Revenge

Evil Emperor Penguin Almost Takes Over the World


The Phoenix Colossal Comics Collection Volume One

Corpse Talk: Ground-Breaking Women

The Adventures of John Blake: Mystery of the Ghost Ship

Corpse Talk: Ground-Breaking Scientists

Mega Robo Bros 2: Mega Robo Rumble

Mezolith Book 1: Stone Age Dreams and Nightmares

Mezolith Book 2

Tamsin and the Dark


Tamsin and the Deep

Good Dog, Bad Dog: Double Identity

Lost Tales

Mega Robo Bros

The Pirates of Pangaea

Troy Trailblazer and the Horde Queen

Evil Emperor Penguin

Gary’s Garden Book 1

Von Doogan and the Curse of the Golden Monkey

Long Gone Don: The Monstrous Underworld

Tales of Fayt: The Mystery of the Crooked Imp

Corpse Talk Season 2

Super Animal Adventure Squad

Monkey Nuts: The Diamond Egg of Wonders

Vern and Lettuce

Bunny vs Monkey Book One

Corpse Talk Season 1