Reviews in category: Education
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Capital & Ideology

Graphic Novel Builder

Mission in a Bottle


The Awl 1

World Without End

Big Jim and the White Boy: An American Classic Reimagined

Adieu Birkenau

The Incredible Story of Cooking

Asgardians: Thor

Asgardians: Odin

Frankie and the Beastly Bog Song

Frankie and the Creepy Cute Critters

Four-Fisted Tales: Animals in Combat

Take Two

Jump Start

Chernobyl: The Fall of Atomgrad

The Comic Book Story of Beer

Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales: The Raid of No Return

The Bomb: The Weapon That Changed the World

The Anxiety Club


The Beginner’s Guide to Being Outside

Dauntless Dames: High-Heeled Heroes of the Comic Strips

Adventures in Cartooning

The Dunfermline Story

Running Overload

Lies My Teacher Told Me

I Do, I Don’t: How to Build a Better Marriage

Zig and Wikki in Something Ate My Homework

Zig and Wikki in the Cow

Wildcat Anarchist Comics

Sophie’s World Vol. 2: From Descartes to the Present Day

To Drink and To Eat: Treats & Tribulations From a French Kitchen

To Drink and To Eat: More Meals & Mischief From a French Kitchen

To Drink and to Eat: Tastes and Tales From a French Kitchen

The Reddest Rose: Romantic Love From the Ancient Greeks to Reality TV

Things We Create

Are You Willing to Die for the Cause?: Revolution in 1960s Quebec

The Science of Surfing: A Surfside Girls Guide to the Ocean

Sí, Se Puede

Constitution Illustrated

All Rise: Resistance and Rebellion in South Africa

Letters From Animals

The Mighty Women of Science

The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Cat Kid Comic Club 4: Collaborations