Reviews crediting creator: Tom Raney
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Tales From the Dark Multiverse I

Smash!: The Broxteth Devil

Future State: Justice League

Green Lantern Vol. 2: Horatius

Green Lantern Vol. 1: Invictus

The Infinity War

Hawkeye: Dark Reign

Ultimate Galactus Trilogy

Ultimate Galactus Vol. 2: Ultimate Secret

The Incredible Hulks: Dark Son

Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse Volume 1

Avengers vs. X-Men: Consequences

The New 52 Futures End Vol. 2

X-Men Legacy: Collision

Annihilation Conquest Omnibus

Annihilation Conquest Book Two

Inhumans: Secret Invasion

Archer & Armstrong Deluxe Edition 2

Archer & Armstrong: Mission: Improbable

Avengers Academy: Second Semester

Avengers Academy: Fear Itself

Avengers Academy: Will We Use This In The Real World?

Ultimate X-Men Ultimate Collection Vol. 1

Ultimate X-Men Vol. 2: Return to Weapon X

Incredible Hulk Visionaries: Peter David Vol. 8

Outsiders: Sum of All Evil

Outsiders: Looking for Trouble

Black Widow: Deadly Origin

The Infinity Crusade Vol. 2

The Infinity Crusade Vol. 1


Stormwatch volume 1

Stormwatch: Change or Die

Stormwatch: Lightning Strikes