Reviews crediting creator: Lewis Trondheim
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Li’l Santa

Dungeon Zenith Vol. 5: Fog & Tears

Donald Duck: Donald’s Happiest Adventures

Dungeon: The Early Years Vol. 3 – Without a Sound

Bourbon Island 1730

Dungeon Twilight Vols. 1-2: Cemetery of the Dragon

Dungeon Zenith Vol. 4: Outside the Ramparts

Dungeon: The Early Years Vol. 2 – Innocence Lost

Dungeon: The Early Years Vol. 1 – The Night Shirt

Maggy Garrisson

Happy Halloween, Li’l Santa

Dungeon Twilight Vol. 4: The End of the Dungeon

Dungeon Twilight Vol. 3: The New Centurions

Dungeon Twilight Vol. 2: Armageddon

Dungeon Twilight Vol. 1: Dragon Cemetery

Dungeon Zenith Vol. 3: Back in Style

Mickey’s Craziest Adventures

Dungeon Vol. 1: Duck Heart

Dungeon Zenith Vol. 2: The Barbarian Princess

Astronauts of the Future

Mome: Summer 2007

Mome: Spring 2007

Mome: Winter 2007

Ralph Azham

Little Lit: Strange Stories for Strange Kids

The Hoodoodad