Reviews crediting creator: Jim Lee
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Wolverine vs. Punisher

The Bat and the Cat: 80 Years of Romance

All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder

X-Men: The Adamantium Collection

The Man of Steel


The Sleeper Omnibus

Sleeper Season Two

Coup D’État

Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium

Superman Unchained

Harley Quinn: A Celebration of 25 Years

The Joker: The Greatest Stories Ever Told

Dark Days: The Road to Metal

Wildstorm – A Celebration of 25 Years

Absolute WildC.A.T.S.

WildC.A.T.S.: A Gathering of Eagles

WildC.A.T.S./Cyber Force: Killer Instinct

WildC.A.T.S. Compendium

Suicide Squad Vol. 2: Going Sane

Suicide Squad Vol. 1: The Black Vault

Wonder Woman: Her Greatest Battles

Warzones!: X-Tinction Agenda

Wolverine: The Adamantium Collection

Marvel Visionaries: Chris Claremont

Batman vs Superman: The Greatest Battles

The Multiversity

Batman: Hush Vol. 1

Batman: Hush Vol. 2

Stormwatch volume 1