Reviews crediting creator: Mikel Janín
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Nightwing: The Leap

Punchline: The Trial of Alexis Kaye

Future State: Superman

The Bat and the Cat: 80 Years of Romance

Superman and the Authority

Justice League by Scott Snyder Book One: The Deluxe Editon

Justice League Vol. 2: Graveyard of Gods

Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium

Batman Deluxe Edition Book 5

Batman Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 4

Batman Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 3

Batman Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 2

Batman Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 1

Batman Vol. 13: City of Bane Part 2

Batman Vol. 12: City of Bane Part 1

Batman Vol. 11: The Fall and the Fallen

Batman Vol 10: Knightmares

Batman Vol. 9: The Tyrant Wing

Justice League: Trinity War

Justice League Dark Volume 3: The Death of Magic

Justice League Dark Volume 2: The Books of Magic

Justice League Dark Volume 1: In the Dark

Batman Eternal Volume 1

Dark Nights: Metal

Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding

Batman Vol. 6: Bride or Burglar

Batman Vol. 4: The War of Jokes and Riddles

Batman Vol. 2: I Am Suicide

Batman Vol. 1: I Am Gotham

Superman: The Final Days of Superman

Superman: Return to Glory

Grayson: A Ghost in the Tomb

Grayson: Nemesis

Grayson: We All Die at Dawn

Grayson: Agents of Spyral