Reviews crediting creator: Leonard Kirk
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Heroes For Hire: World War Hulk

Sabretooth and the Exiles

Supergirl Book Four

Supergirl Book Three

Supergirl Book Two

Second Coming: Trinity

Captain Britain and MI13: Vampire State

Captain Britain and MI13: Hell Comes to Birmingham

Captain Britain and MI13: Secret Invasion

JSA by Geoff Johns Book Five

JSA by Geoff Johns Book Four

Sabretooth: The Adversary

Wolverine: Black, White & Blood

Uncanny X-Men: Nation X

Utopia: Avengers/X-Men

What If?: Civil War

Fantastic Four: The End is Fourever

Fantastic 4: Back in Blue

Fantastic 4: Original Sin

Fantastic 4: Fall of the Fantastic Four

Black Panther: Avengers of the New World

Black Panther: Avengers of the New World Part Two

Domino: Soldier of Fortune

X-Men Gold Volume 1: Back to the Basics

Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine

Bloodhound: Brass Knuckle Psychology

X-Factor: Hell on Earth War

X-Factor: Short Stories

X-Factor: Breaking Points

X-Factor: Together Again for the First Time

X-Factor: Super Unnatural

Agents of Atlas: Dark Reign

Agents of Atlas

World War Hulk: Warbound

JSA Omnibus Volume Two

JSA: Black Vengeance

JSA: Princes of Darkness

JSA: Savage Times