Reviews crediting artist: Mike McMahon
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The Best of Gerry Finlay-Day

Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Anthology

Best of 2000AD Volume 2

Sláine: The Book of Scars

Doctor Who: Dragon’s Claw

Judge Dredd: Fatties

Judge Dredd: Doomsday for Dredd

Sláine: Warrior’s Dawn

Judge Dredd: Nobody Apes the Law

ABC Warriors: The Mek Files 03

ABC Warriors: The Third Element

ABC Warriors: The Mek Files 01

ABC Warriors: The Meknificent Seven

The ABC Warriors Book Two

The ABC Warriors Book One

The Last American

Fink Angel: Legacy

Judge Dredd and the Angel Gang

Ro-Busters: The Complete Nuts and Bolts Volume 2

Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 23

Judge Dredd: The Judge Child Quest

The Complete Ro-Busters

Judge Dredd: The Cursed Earth

Judge Dredd 3

Judge Dredd 2

Judge Dredd: The Apocalypse War

Judge Dredd: Block Mania

Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 05

Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 04

Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 03

Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 02