Reviews crediting creator: Dick Giordano
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Green Lantern/Green Arrow: Hard Travelling Heroes Omnibus

Supergirl Book One

Showcase Presents Green Lantern Vol. 5

Elseworlds: Batman Volume Three

Batman: Contagion (2016)

Batman: Contagion

Golden Age Western Comics

Chilling Adventures in Sorcery

Superman: Kryptonite Nevermore

Nightwing: Ties That Bind

Best of witzend

Batman: The Greatest Stories Ever Told

Secret Origins

Tales of the Batman: Alan Brennert

Superman in the Eighties

Marvel Romance

Jonah Hex: Counting Corpses

Justice League of America by George Pérez Volume Two

Batman: Turning Points

Diana Prince, Wonder Woman: Volume 4

The Chronicles of Conan Volume 7: The Dweller in the Pool and Other Stories

Modesty Blaise