Reviews crediting artist: Guillem March
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Catwoman Volume 2: Dollhouse

Catwoman Volume 1: The Game

The Joker Volume Two

The Joker Volume One

Laura and Other Stories

Batman and Robin Omnibus

Batman and Robin Volume 5: The Big Burn

Batman: Fear State Saga

Batman: Ghost Stories

Batman: Their Dark Designs

Harley Quinn: Harley Destroys the Universe

Heroes in Crisis: The Price and Other Stories

Justice League by Scott Snyder Book Two: The Deluxe Editon

Justice League Vol. 3: Hawkworld

Batman Arkham: Two-Face

Batman Eternal Volume 1

Monika: 2. Vanilla Dolls

Monika: 1. Masked Ball

Batman: Joker’s Asylum Volume 1

Birds of Prey: The Death of Oracle