Reviews crediting creator: Aaron Kuder
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Avenging Spider-Man: The Complete Collection

Avenging Spider-Man: The Good, the Green and the Ugly

King in Black: The Avengers

Thor: Revelations

Thor: Prey

Avengers Assemble

Avengers Forever: The Pillars

Avengers Forever: The Lords of Earthly Vengeance

Edge of Spider-Geddon

Infinity Wars by Gerry Duggan: The Complete Collection

Guardians of the Galaxy by Gerry Duggan Omnibus

Infinity Countdown

All-New Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinity Quest

All-New Guardians of the Galaxy: Communication Breakdown

The Avengers: World War She-Hulk

Action Comics Volume 9: Last Rites

Action Comics Volume 8: Truth

Action Comics Volume 7: Under the Skin

Action Comics Volume 6: Superdoom

Action Comics Volume 5: What Lies Beneath

Ghost Rider: The King of Hell

Ghost Rider: Hearts of Darkness II

Fantastic Four by Dan Slott Vol. 1

Fantastic Four: The Herald of Doom

Fantastic Four: Mr. and Mrs. Grimm

Superman: Doomed

Heroes Reborn: America’s Mightiest Heroes

Legion Lost Volume 2: The Culling

The Culling: Rise of the Ravagers

King Thor

Green Lantern Corps: Willpower

Green Lantern: Wrath of the First Lantern

Green Lantern: Rise of the Third Army