Reviews crediting creator: Brad Walker
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Tales From the Dark Multiverse I

Avenging Spider-Man: The Complete Collection

Avenging Spider-Man: Threats & Menaces

Superman 3-2-1 Action!

Supergirl: Killers of Krypton

The Thanos Imperative

Nightwing: Renegade

The Hypernaturals Volume One

Green Lantern: Lights Out

Batman Deluxe Edition Book 5

Batman Vol. 9: The Tyrant Wing

Aquaman Vol. 2: Black Manta Rising

Aquaman Vol. 1: The Drowning

Batman: War Games Act Three – Endgame

Batman: War Games Act Two – Tides

Batman: War Games Act One – Outbreak

Batman: War Drums

Supergirl: Way of the World

Catwoman: The One You Love

Action Comics: At the End of Days

Action Comics: Bulletproof