Reviews crediting creator: Matthew Sturges
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Jack of Fables: The Deluxe Edition Book Three

Jack of Fables: The Deluxe Edition Book Two

Jack of Fables: The Deluxe Edition Book One

Jack of Fables Vol. 9: The End

Jack of Fables Vol. 8: The Fulminate Blade

Jack of Fables Vol. 7: The New Adventures of Jack and Jack

Jack of Fables Vol. 6: The Big Book of War

Jack of Fables Vol. 5: Turning Pages

Jack of Fables Vol. 4: Americana

Jack of Fables Vol. 3: The Bad Prince

Jack of Fables Vol. 2: Jack of Hearts

Jack of Fables Vol. 1: The (Nearly) Great Escape

Fables Compendium Three

Zatanna by Paul Dini

Our Army at War

DC Comics: The Art of Darwyn Cooke

Justice Society of America: Bad Seed

Fairest: Wide Awake

Graphic Ink: The DC Comics Work of Darwyn Cooke

Thor Season One

JLA: Salvation Run