Avenging Spider-Man: The Good, the Green and the Ugly

Avenging Spider-Man: The Good, the Green and the Ugly
Avenging Spider-Man The Good, the Green and the Ugly review
  • North American Publisher / ISBN: Marvel - 978-0-7851-5780-9
  • Volume No.: 2
  • Release date: 2013
  • UPC: 9780785157809
  • Contains adult content?: no
  • Does this pass the Bechdel test?: yes
  • Positive minority portrayal?: no
  • CATEGORIES: Superhero

Avenging Spider-Man presents Spider-Man teaming with other characters, in this collection She-Hulk, Captain Marvel and Deadpool, with the loose connection being they’re all fellow members of the Avengers. With the departure of Zeb Wells after My Friends Can Beat Up Your Friends, there is no permanent creative team.

Kathryn Immonen and Stuart Immonen open affairs with their She-Hulk story involving an ancient menace manifesting in the present day and hundreds of cats. Even accounting for the intention being lighthearted, it never moves beyond surface deep, and some jokes are really strained. While there’s no slacking on cats or detail, this doesn’t have the oomph usually associated with Immonen’s art.

Kelly Sue DeConnick’s run on Captain Marvel’s own title was character-defining, and she brings the same consideration of who people are to Carol Danvers taking Peter Parker for a ride in her plane. Their conversation is a delight, and DeConnick continues that mood all the way through a story exemplifying why banks having guards in armoured flying suits isn’t a great idea. The tone is what was being aimed for in the She-Hulk team-up, but effortlessly achieved here with the dialogue sparkling, particularly when it comes to ignoring the threats of corporate will. Terry Dodson’s proven artistic quality rounds out an unpredictable and hugely enjoyable experience. There’s a reason this story provided the cover for Avenging Spider-Man: The Complete Collection.

The Spider-Man/Deadpool bromance proved such a success that it spawned ten graphic novels during a later run, but that was under a different creative team. Here it’s Kevin Shinick writing with Aaron Kuder providing the art early in his career. As per the sample art, someone’s trying to access Spider-Man via his mind, so Deadpool has been projected in there to protect him.

It’s far more a Deadpool story than a Spider-Man one, which might not have pleased everyone at the time, so there’s Deadpool breaking the fourth wall, along with numerous self-aware captions. Much has dated. Was an explanation of RPG games necessary in 2013? And how many readers knew The Breakfast Club? The villain’s even more dated, but then he’s been imprisoned for a while, and he’s brilliantly drawn by Kuder. This has its moments, but it’s Kuder that makes it special.

Spider-Man team-ups are always variable propositions, and the Captain Marvel teaming is by some distance the highlight of a selection elevated by the art. Next is Threats & Menaces.
