World Without End

World Without End
World Without End graphic novel review
  • UK publisher / ISBN: Particular Books - 978-0-241-66194-9
  • North American Publisher / ISBN: Zando - 978-1-638931-11-9
  • UPC: 9780241661949
  • Contains adult content?: no
  • Does this pass the Bechdel test?: no
  • Positive minority portrayal?: no

World Without End is a factual and educational graphic novel more frightening than any horror series, designed to scare the crap out of the complacent who believe humanity can continue living the way we have since the 1950s without any later consequences.

Unless climate research is your specialist subject you’re not likely to have heard of Jean-Marc Jancovici, yet with each passing year his devising the carbon accounting system in the 1990s has greater importance. It’s a system he’s since modified to take far more into account, and World Without End is packed with uncomfortable truths about our lives explained with authority and clarity via easily understood comparisons. Carbon Dioxide emissions from global digital technology are higher than those from the world’s entire fleet of trucks or the combined total of American industry. The entire process of a raising a cow, processing the meat and packaging a steak produces 22kg of greenhouse gas, yet a free range chicken accounts for 5kg.

Jancovici is exceptionally good at explaining the connections between individual consumption and industrial process, and the greenhouse gases it generates. His conclusion is that humanity needs to reduce global emissions by around two-thirds by 2050. If it’s not done, and the signs are currently bleak, the world we’re bequeathing will be one of disease, famine and plague with large areas of the planet too hot to support life outside. As long as we continue to use consistently increasing Gross Domestic Product as the only measure of a successful economy we’re doomed. If we can all accept moderation there’s a chance.

Christoph Blain’s sketchy drawings deliver Jancovici’s statements as a lecture with Blain as the sole audience, neatly conceiving ways of illustrating the easily comprehended comparisons for even greater clarity. He also acts as the reader’s voice, prompting explanations of complicated procedures and raising issues the broader public need to have explained.

To assume Jancovici is an exceptionally well informed tree-hugger would be a mistake. He’s an individual thinker, and some of his conclusions as to what needs to be done are red lines for other climate activists. He explains thoroughly and cogently the causes of the two worst nuclear disasters in the past fifty years, and then why they’re unlikely ever to occur again. Yet such is the fear and stigma generated regarding nuclear power, the safest and most reliable form of energy is sidelined. Jancovici likens it to politicians burning a few witches every year to appease a superstitious public.

While the picture is barren and governments show little inclination to avoid running blindfold over the cliff, individuals can make a difference. It means travelling less, and using more public transport, eating less meat and dairy, while generally consuming less and repairing more. Is there the will to save the planet?

Published in France in 2022, the conclusions have become even more urgent since, especially with the 2024 COP discussions more divisive than uniting. There won’t be a more important graphic novel published this year.
