Squire & Knight: Wayward Travelers

Writer / Artist
Squire & Knight: Wayward Travelers
Squire & Knight Wayward Travelers review
  • North American Publisher / ISBN: First Second - 978-1-2508-4689-1
  • Volume No.: 2
  • Release date: 2024
  • UPC: 9781250846891
  • Contains adult content?: no
  • Does this pass the Bechdel test?: no
  • Positive minority portrayal?: no

The never named Squire is always reading, for which he’s constantly berated by Sir Kelton of Eldergaard. After all, what can possibly be learned from a book? Plenty actually, because as seen last time, they’re generally more reliable than the superstitions of country people in the middle ages.

Scott Chantler’s first Squire & Knight story was a funny turn around the comedy idea of the assistant doing all the thinking and most of the work, while the Knight takes all the credit. As Wayward Traveler opens they’re still in the process of making good on their promise to deliver a goblin child to a School of Wizardry, with Cade swallowing every exaggerated tale of heroism he’s told. Unfortunately the path to the School of Wizardry seems to be somehow obscured by magic. It leaves the trio lost in the woods and having to face whatever else lives there.

As before, despite this time limiting his setting largely to a deep forest, Chantler creates a visually interesting world populated by expressive characters. The threatening creatures are engagingly drawn as brutes, but not to a level that they offer more than a frisson of danger to the all ages readership. Chantler’s also very skilled at selling his jokes visually, allowing just the right time for visual pauses and sly expressions.

Having proved in the last book that there is something to be learned from reading, Chantler cleverly subverts his message by showing that under certain circumstances there’s also something to be learned from Sir Kelton’s blustering self-confidence. The Squire also takes his inspiration from romantic fantasies about being recognised and advised by the beautiful Queen Marley, and she comes to represent the things he already knows, but has perhaps forgotten.

This is another good-natured fantasy adventure calculated for widespread appeal. Very enjoyable.
