Spirou and Fantasio: The Dark Side of the Z

Spirou and Fantasio: The Dark Side of the Z
Spirou and Fantasio The Dark Side of the Z review
  • UK publisher / ISBN: Cinebook - 978-1-80044-103-3
  • Release date: 2011
  • English language release date: 2023
  • UPC: 9781800441033
  • Contains adult content?: no
  • Does this pass the Bechdel test?: no
  • Positive minority portrayal?: no

Zorglub was once an enemy of mankind, but was forced to confront the error of his ways. Since then he’s been befriended by equally eccentric genius the Count of Champignac. However, there’s a convincing case to be made that he’s even more of a nuisance acting with good intentions. He remains in thrall to scientific curiosity, which led to the problems detailed in Attack of the Zordolts, and here thinks nothing of abducting Spirou and Fantasio and taking them to his moonbase. His alternative reading is “I merely put you to sleep for around 20 hours to spare you the unpleasant side of space flight”. Still, given what happens to Spirou later, it’s a minor trifle.

Zorglub has opened the ultimate getaway venue on the moon, and is keen to show it off. Only the ultra-rich can afford a stay, which means the Count, Spirou and Fantasio are mingling with movie stars and rich Russians, and for protection Zorglub has employed the legendary hardman Bronco. Fabien Vehlmann has fun with him, referencing fictitious titles of his books (Bronco Plays and Wins Against the Aussie Twins), but as several small references to other French comics are dropped, there’s a suspicion that Bronco is possibly a homage rather than a generic thug.

While there’s invention and comedy as the cast tour around Zorglub’s resort, the main plot doesn’t immediately kick in. During solar flares all guests need to be in a shelter, but Spirou is in an artificial Arctic environment looking for Spip, his pet squirrel. Under Vehlmann, Spip’s taken on even more of a personality, and is here building a snowman. Will Spirou and Spip make it back in time?

Well, their race to safety is brilliantly drawn by Yoann as per the sample art, cutting back and forth between Spirou’s predicament and commentary from assorted ultra-wealthy types. Some effort was needed to design the space base, and Yoann amusingly has it look like a shopping centre with hotel rooms, saving the sparkle for assorted outside areas.

Considering how good Vehlmann is on other projects (see recommendations) he’s not yet hit full form on Spirou and Fantasio. The Dark Side of the Z is a serviceable adventure, and has long term consequences, but lacks the originality and surprises Vehlmann regularly supplies elsewhere.
