Leon the Extraordinary

Writer / Artist
Leon the Extraordinary
Leon the Extraordinary review
  • North American Publisher / ISBN: Scholastic/Graphix - 978-1-3387-4415-6
  • Volume No.: 1
  • Release date: 2022
  • UPC: 9781338744156
  • Contains adult content?: no
  • Does this pass the Bechdel test?: no
  • Positive minority portrayal?: yes

Leon lives in a big city where superheroes are an everyday occurrence, providing him with role models. He obsesses about them, reeling off accomplishments, and dresses in his homemade costume 24/7, but has no powers himself. Most importantly, he’s also absorbed the ideals of a superhero, standing up to the school bully on behalf of others, and taking the time to consider the outcomes of what he does. At his school there are kids with super powers, some of whom don’t make the best choices, paying little attention to the rule that powers shouldn’t be used in school.

From an opening scene of Leon fantasising about heroic deeds instead of concentrating on his homework, Jamar Nicholas establishes a loveable character and shining example to readers. Leon inhabits a cosy and supportive environment where he’s loved not only by his own mother, but that of his best friend Carlos, who lives in the same block of flats. Carlos draws comics about Leon’s fictional superhero exploits.

Nicholas makes the story easy to follow for young readers by rarely drawing more than three large panels per page, and having them occupied by big figures. Because those figures are most often Leon, his distinctive green cape, gloves and goggles make for a strong visual presence, so much so that there’s a moment of confusion when he’s first seen without it. Equally distinctive is Clementine, designed as the direct contrast to Leon. She does have powers, but is mean spirited and aggressive. However, when the main plot kicks in halfway through, Leon and Clementine have to work together. Here’s the opportunity for Leon to be a superhero for real.

The easy charm established at the beginning lasts all the way through. Nicholas sets things up so that persistence and smart thinking win the day, and we’ve already seen Leon gets A+ for both. There is a formula applied of Leon’s confidence almost taking a fatal hit just before the end before leading to an uplifting finish, but younger readers won’t realise that, and the surprise Nicholas drops beforehand will fool everyone.

Leon is a winner and his adventures continue in Worst Friends Forever.
