Lawless Book Five: Bullets Over Badrock

Lawless Book Five: Bullets Over Badrock
Lawless Book Five Bullets Over Badrock review
  • UK publisher / ISBN: 2000AD - 978-1-83786-172-9
  • Volume No.: 5
  • Release date: 2024
  • Format: Black and white
  • UPC: 9781837861729
  • Contains adult content?: yes
  • Does this pass the Bechdel test?: yes
  • Positive minority portrayal?: yes

Dan Abnett and Phil Winslade’s space western has gradually become more obvious in reflecting real world politics. Marshall Metta Lawson has sorted out a major problem in Badrock, but has made an enemy of an influential corporation. Winning a war required the help of the Judges, whom Lawson would have preferred to keep out of her affairs. Recognising an undesirable maverick, in Boom Town they instituted an election for the position of mayor, intending to undermine her authority. However, she’s decided to stand herself.

The Marshall has been established as being more than a little on the abrasive side, so Abnett has fun with meet and greet sessions, while also taking a tour around the other candidates, most with definite intentions that don’t prioritise the citizens of Badrock. In addition to their various schemes, Abnett also looses something viscerally nasty on the town.

As has been the case for four previous volumes, Phil Winslade’s art is near perfect. The people display their character in exceptionally detailed locations. Lawless originally seemed reproduced from pencilled pages, but Winslade’s now using ink for depth and atmosphere, his style at times resembling Victorian engravings. Something worth pointing out is that with robots, aliens, and mutants mixing with humans Lawless could look an unholy mess, but Winslade blends them naturally.

Bullets Over Badrock is a resetting of the entire series. Because Lawson has been so prominent we might forget her name isn’t the series title, and over four volumes Abnett has introduced a lot of characters to like in Lawless, so many in fact, that he’s able to sideline one of the most popular throughout the election drama. So while Lawson remains the focus, it’s not absolute. We see the Judges becoming corrupted, employing double standards, the mysterious Mr. Smith, shoe salesman, going about his business, and the Getz corporation seem to be profiting mightily from all that’s going on. There is one place in particular where Abnett and Winslade oversell a nasty surprise, but the remainder heads along seamlessly to an unpleasant end setting up whatever follows. Credit to Abnett for avoiding the easy option when the showdown comes.

Readers already captured are going to love Bullets Over Badrock, while any new readers will be able to pick up from here easily enough.
