Web-Warriors: Spiders Vs.

Web-Warriors: Spiders Vs.
Web-Warriors Volume 2 Spiders Vs.
  • North American Publisher / ISBN: Marvel - 978-0-7851-9673-0
  • Volume No.: 2
  • Release date: 2016
  • UPC: 9780785196730
  • Contains adult content?: no
  • Does this pass the Bechdel test?: yes
  • Positive minority portrayal?: yes
  • CATEGORIES: Superhero

Mike Costa opens this final volume of Web-Warriors with Spider-Man Noir picking up the narrative, to porvide an interesting contrast. In his solo stories he’s set on his own world and is supremely confident, but in keeping with his name, his world is not far off a century behind present day technology on other worlds. He hides it, but his natural confidence isn’t there when faced with so much beyond his understanding, and he’s never seen anything like Venom before. However, despite the effective flashbacks it’s a story that eventually comes to nothing.

Compared with his art for Electroverse, David Baldeón has dived deep into stylised cartooning, with extremely distorted people and places. It’s stylistically consistent, but very busy panels are too crowded and no longer attractive. Baldeón is adaptable, though, and as there’s a different feel to different worlds his art reflects that, so while the chaotic pages are the default, his ability to switch approach is admirable. Toward the end, Jay Fosgitt also contributes a few pages, using a more standard form of bigfoot cartooning.

The gist of the entire book is that the webs of destiny are becoming tangled, which is leading to anomalies as the inhabitants of one world access another. Costa takes a variety of tones with this, starting with Ducktor Doom invading Spider-Punk’s world. There’s an awful lot of hopping from world to world, and in story terms the clever aspect is the Web Warriors being unknowingly responsible for what’s happening. The ending is novel, but too much else is chaotic without enough time to get to know the cast beyond the opening chapter. It’s a clever volume title, though.

All Web Warriors material is also collected in the Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider Omnibus.
