Star Wars: Vader’s Little Princess

Writer / Artist
Star Wars: Vader’s Little Princess
Vader's Little Princess review
  • North American Publisher / ISBN: Chronicle Books - 978-1-4521-1869-7
  • Release date: 2013
  • UPC: 9781452118697
  • Contains adult content?: no
  • Does this pass the Bechdel test?: no
  • Positive minority portrayal?: no

Since its launch in 1977 the Star Wars franchise has spawned an awful lot of comics, toys, games, countless examples of merchandise and even some more movies. The disciples, followers, fans, adherents and devotees are as helplessly dedicated and are well on the way to becoming the first religion to actively admit it’s completely fictional.

In 2012 Jeffrey Brown scored his first global bestseller with a hilarious spin on the soft and nurturing side of the Jedi experience in Darth Vader and Son and now expands the concept with ‘Episode Three and Three-Quarters’ to cover Luke Skywalker’s long-lost, turbulent, truculent twin sister Leia as Vader’s Little Princess.

If we peek behind the midnight cape and ebony re-breather helmet of the long-suffering Lord of the Sith, we can glimpse the dark side for the hard-working single parent trying his best to bring up a rebellious girl child and her rather disappointing brother. Dear daddy Darth only wants a little peace and quiet to destroy the Rebel Alliance and maybe rule the Galactic Empire, but it’s not easy as we can see in this sublime, full colour hardcover. It charts the rocky road of his capricious, changeable and charming little madam, from nosy, bossy, know-it-all brat to feisty, capable independent know-it-all college applicant in a series of gloriously arch and whimsical cartoons that will delight young and old alike.

It’s the same oft-told tale of parenthood: one minute she’s knitting you ugly presents, hiding your X-Wing’s keys or making faces behind your back whilst you admonish Grand Moff Tarkin, and the next she’s embarrassed to be seen with you and not taking messages from The Emperor. She’s also trying to stop you from even “talking” to that good-for-nothing, obnoxious, sneaky Corellian Solo kid who’s always hanging around.

Of course it’s not all one way traffic as Dads, no matter how important, don’t care about necessities like fashion, never like your boyfriends and can be so-ooo embarrassing when you’re trying to impress the cool kids. As before, gloriously daft and entrancingly fun that’s a superb treat for fans and unbelievers alike.
