Review by Ian Keogh
Given this volume and the last, we’ve got to give Stephen McCranie credit for yet another remarkable skill. In Space Boy 20 he returned a character we might have presumed wouldn’t be seen again, and the feat is repeated here. In both cases they’re logically reintroduced and smoothly incorporated into ongoing events. As it’s surprise, but not a shock, we can note that it’s Amy’s childhood friend Jemmah who’s back, although only briefly.
She’s smoothly reintroduced so readers without long memories pick up who she is, although newcomers may wonder why she’s so much older than Amy (check Space Boy 3, or Omnibus 1). It takes a little longer to realise that we’re seeing Amy’s parents again after all this time, although featuring them on the cover is a clue. We’ve become so caught up in how much Amy’s friends miss her since she’s been held captive by the FCP, that how her parents feel has been sidelined. It’s also a reminder that so much of Space Boy has taken place over a matter of weeks.
Amy and her friend Qiana may be held against their will, but the FCP are unaware the pair of them have an incredibly rich and powerful ally, and there may be a way out of their predicament. As seen on the sample art, though, Qiana is afraid to take the leap. Given what readers know is behind the FCP, her caution may have some foundation.
A usual volume of Space Boy is a compelling character study that slowly inches the assorted plots forward, but there’s a sense of some real movement here. Secrets are shared, help is offered, Oliver is back and for the first time it seems the FCP and the power behind it may be vulnerable. There’s also an immensely powerful and moving emotional release, and some sound advice. The bonus for anyone paying attention is a seeming connection between a comment made in Space Boy 20 and an old text translated here.
You’re going to howl with frustration at the ending, which cuts off just before a major revelation to supply some cartoons of little Amy. They’re good, they’re funny and they’re well drawn, but they’re not what you want. You want Space Boy 22.