Memories From the Civil War Vol. 3

Memories From the Civil War Vol. 3
  • North American Publisher / ISBN: Cinebook - 978-1-84918-547-9
  • Volume No.: 3
  • Release date: 2019
  • English language release date: 2023
  • UPC: 9781849185479
  • Contains adult content?: yes
  • Does this pass the Bechdel test?: no
  • Positive minority portrayal?: no
  • CATEGORIES: Drama, European, Political, War

In Vol. 3 of Richard Marazano’s and Jean-Michel Ponzio’s Memories From The Civil War three urban enclaves have fallen to the resistance. It’s a future where the privileged few live behind fortified walls in comfort, secured by technology and a high standard of living. Outside these advanced city states, the population is left to fend for themselves in a world ravaged by climate change and the absence of government infrastructure. The Security and Intervention (SI) teams make forays outside the walls to subdue resistance or harvest people to address labour shortages in the industrial system of the enclaves.

Virgil leads the SI group driving the narrative. Nadia, Ulrich, Cicero are fellow combatants, loyal and sarcastic, but well marinated in the ideology that defines the fortified urban centres. Rachel is Virgil’s ex-girlfriend; government psychiatrist and it seems also his enabler. Rachel watches over them all with mandatory sessions upon return from the field.

Vol. 3 all takes place in the field, outside the secure walls. In a rush to the finish line, the narrative descends into theoretical platitudes: the fight is not about ideals, but living conditions, social Darwinism theories mean efficient order is the future of mankind, integration is a weakness. The small group of SI soldiers we started with is now divided down the middle between rebels and soldiers. Cicero, a previously minor character, is pushed to the front to lead the rebels reluctantly by virtue of his inspiring rhetoric (much like his namesake Roman orator). Virgil retreats into the background to lead from behind. Nadia runs back to society with misgivings to join an outraged Ulrich. Then, miraculously, several cities fall like dominoes and the future is now. We learn late that Virgil has suffered from long term sleep deprivation. This might explain his odd behavior, but who cares? The world is burning. Despite everything happening globally on several continents, our divided SI group finds itself in the same area facing off on two different sides. The outcome is overshadowed with the political platitudes and theories.

The ending falls flat mostly because it’s too amorphous and large – everything collapses, class warfare, privileged people are mean, the downtrodden are sincere, we have to build now and we just need to get along. The artwork continues to handicap the flow of the story with motionless panels and frozen faces. At this point, the lack of narrative substance and connection with our heroes is the final nail. Memories From The Civil War is, unfortunately, probably best forgotten.
