West Coast Avengers: City of Evils

West Coast Avengers: City of Evils
West Coast Avengers City of Evils review
  • North American Publisher / ISBN: Marvel - 978-1-302-91346-5
  • Volume No.: 2
  • Release date: 2019
  • UPC: 9781302913465
  • Contains adult content?: no
  • Does this pass the Bechdel test?: yes
  • Positive minority portrayal?: yes
  • CATEGORIES: Humour, Superhero

Anything written by Kelly Thompson in lighthearted mode is fun. Personalities, dialogue and situations are all imaginatively defined, the characters clash effectively, and she can’t take super villains seriously. However, this isn’t as much fun as Best Coast as there’s been a change of artist.

Daniele Di Nicuolo is an efficient storyteller, but his art lacks both the dynamism and expressiveness supplied by Stefano Caselli. Everyone has the same simply defined scowling face, backgrounds if they’re provided are basic, and panel compositions can lack coherence. He draws City of Evils’ first half (sample art) and is then on his way.

Next up is Gang Hyuk Lim, whose art supplies much of what was missing about the earlier pages, but he’s relatively inexperienced. The storytelling is jerky, while there are definite anatomy problems, but Lim’s an artist who’s going to improve with time, and that’s only going to come with practice. Moy R. draws the final chapter, seemingly not realising there’s an age difference between characters. On the other hand, he supplies a dynamism, ensures character and if inconsistent his is the best art on show. Only for the final chapter, though.

The less than ideal art is a great shame, as over two stories Thompson keeps her tongue in her cheek and keeps the surprises coming while also providing insight into the cast. An example is finally getting around to dealing with a plot about Kate Bishop’s mother that’s been running over assorted titles for several years. It’s convincing, tragic, and explains a lot. Seemingly aware the end is nigh, some important conversations are had, and everything makes sense when a good joke drops on the final page.

Over so many series for several years Thompson has delivered again and again, even when saddled with disappointing artists. How long is going to be before Marvel lets her loose on one of their headliners?

City of Evils is combined with The War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery in the slightly smaller paperback Hawkeye: Team Spirit. It’s also found as part of the Gwenpool Omnibus.
