Justice League Unlimited: Girl Power

Justice League Unlimited: Girl Power
Justice League Unlimited Girl Power review
  • North American Publisher / ISBN: DC - 978-1-7795-1015-0
  • Release date: 2021
  • UPC: 9781779510150
  • Contains adult content?: no
  • Does this pass the Bechdel test?: yes
  • Positive minority portrayal?: yes
  • CATEGORIES: All-Ages, Superhero

Justice League Unlimited is primarily stories from the early 21st century published to tie-in with the cartoon series of the same name then showing on Cartoon Network. The basic premise is that all DC superheroes are affiliated with the Justice League, enabling writers to focus on whomever they want within an all-ages context. As the title suggests, this digest sized volume concentrates on women, even if some still refer to themselves as girls.

A point is made about patronising attitudes, most forcefully during Dan Slott’s script of the Amazons attacking the remainder of the world requiring the Martian Manhunter to masquerade as Supergirl. However, aside from a couple of shorts, it’s only Paul D. Storrie and Rick Burchett’s ‘Just Us Girls’ in which the Justice League’s female members are exclusively spotlighted with the men left on the bench. Having shown the women in action, Storrie concludes with a nice explanation from the genuine Supergirl to Mary Marvel as to the people being chosen for the mission according to their ability rather than any gender considerations.

The joy of Justice League Unlimited is that although the headliners are featured, over the entire series primary writer Adam Beechen almost has a mission to include people who’re not regularly seen. Gypsy takes the lead in another tale drawn by Burchett and featuring a great bunch of old robots. She’s considered too slapdash when initially investigating a case, but diligence pays off, and there’s a nice reflection of her circumstances at the end. A similar empowerment arc follows from Matteo Casali and Scott Cohn, their focus being on Natasha Irons, Steel. Dan Raspler and Christopher Jones’ closing story even focuses on a villain, the Queen from the Royal Flush Gang newly released from jail and confronted with old temptations.

Burchett, such an under-rated superhero artist, contributes the sample art by virtue of drawing more pages than anyone else, but all the art is decent cartooning, and almost all fits the all-ages brief. DC aren’t as careful with designation as other organisations might be. While most violence is set at a cartoon level, the battered old woman in Steve Vance and John Delaney’s Black Canary story isn’t a sight for cautious kids.

Don’t make the mistake of dismissing Justice League Unlimited as just for kids. The characterisation is resolutely upbeat, but the plots are unpredictable and well drawn. Anyone who enjoys a lighter superhero outing will find much to enjoy. The same applies to companion themed volumes Galactic Justice, Hocus Pocus and Time After Time.
